Parker GV-H20E Gemini Servo Drive
Item #:
Product Info
- Provides six power ranges for up to 11.8 kW of continuous power
- Torque, velocity, step & direction and CW/CCW modes
- Encoder tracking mode
- Digital notch filters provide the tools to eliminate mechanical resonance
- Sinusoidal commutation with encoder or resolver feedback
- Simplified tuning and configuration
- Variable resolution for encoder signal output as well as the command input
- Wide range of PWM frequencies for linear motor support
Item Specifications
24 VDC +/- 20%
295/340 VDC
20 Amp
5.9 kW
50/60 Hz
50 Amp
14.7 kW
1 or 3Ø
Servo Drive
208 - 265 VAC